

Name: William Mackenzie Grey
Nickname(s): Will
Gender: Male
School: Grade eleven at Wolverhampton Academy

Will is lean and small, due to the fact that he was born prematurely. He is about 5’4” and weighs 127 pounds. He often appears shorter than he is because he slouches quite a bit. His hair is honey coloured, and looks as though he just rolled out of bed. This look also applies to his cloths. No one can really pin down what his style is, due to the fact that he’ll just grab whatever and roll with it.  Will's eyes are wide-set, almond shaped, and hazel.

Will despises sports.  However, Will is very interested in school, and becomes distressed if he isn’t one of the top students in the class. He wishes that in the future to be successful and be able to use his intelligence in a productive way. Will doesn't have clue on what to do with his life though. He’s very indecisive. Will also loves video games almost as much as he loves doing well in school.  He loves superhero movies and classic movies as well. He almost never watches television for he can never find the time between his video games and school work.

Overall, Will is an extrovert and will talk to people without a problem, but what he says is sometimes strange. William is also an extremely organized person. When he is worried or nervous he will often bite his nails. William is an extremely composed person, so it takes a lot to make him actually show his anger or sadness. Willia will always think things through and consider all the consequences before acting.

In school, he is an exceptional student and receives an average at about 95%. His best subjects are math and sciences. He isn’t as good with English or French however. He absolutely detests French, but must take it all four years due to the standard he has set himself up for.