

Name: Faye Seline Blanche
Nickname(s): None
Gender: Female
School: Grade twelve at Aldridge Academy

Faye Blanche was born on March 15 1994 to an entertainment lawyer mother from Montreal and a Parisian filmmaker father. They are highly wealthy, considered amongst the upper income bracket at the expensive private boarding school Faye attends. Faye's mother, Camilla Blanche, nee Chevalier, is a highly respected entertainment lawyer who was born and lived her life in Montreal. Faye used to have an excellent relationship with her mother until after returning from Paris in 2008 with serious clinical depression. After this Faye was put on anti-depressant medication but never quite returned to herself and began to alienate herself from her family. She rarely talks to her mother other than on a very surface level, but in moments of weakness she might go to her for comfort. Faye's father Arthur Blanche, is a very famous and highly respected filmmaker. Born in Paris he met Camilla when she was studying law at the Sorbonne in Paris. He later moved to Montreal and they were married and had three children. Ava Camilla Blanche; 1985, Faye Seline Blanche; 1994, and Kay Arthur Blanche; 1995. While Faye has a decent relationship with her mother, her relationship with her father is difficult to say the least. They are constantly at odds due to their opposing views and Faye feels worthless around him as she doesn't always live up to his exceedingly different expectations for her. There is usually a fight when they are together and because of this, on the recommendation of her psychologist they sent her to Aldrige Academy starting in the 2008/2009 school year. Although she outwardly resents her brother Kay for the affection he has from their father she is inwardly very protective of him especially from their father, frequently arguing with him to benefit Kay. Faye's older sister Ava is much older and they don't know each other well, Ava is very outgoing and Faye became quite withdrawn and antisocial after her depression started and so they never talk. Faye is quite intelligent and would do very well in school if she ever tried. The only time she ever tries is if there is something she is pointedly interested in. Numbers give her a horrible headache and she will often turn up at the nurses office after, or during, a particularly strenuous math lesson. Faye works at the stable where her two horses are boarded as a trainer. She is an excellent horseback rider but has never been overly motivated in the show ring and is much more accomplished at working with problem horses who she is more in tune with than the horses that are well behaved. She owns two horses; Fiyero a.k.a Dancing Through Life, and Mimi a.k.a Out Tonight. She also works as a kickboxing instructor during the some evenings and this is very much reflected in the way she looks. Faye is very tall, about 5'10  giving her a definite presence when she enters a room. She is relatively slender with a proportionate and gently flowing figure. Her hair is short and blonde.  It is usually slightly wavy and even when perfectly straight only just falls below her chin. She has expressive teardrop shaped eyes which are a muted green with gold flecks. She has a heart shaped face with high cheekbones and a facial structure more reminiscent of teenage actors from the 90's rather than today. She has long legs and walks quickly and with purpose but without seeming rushed. She dresses in a very pretty, classic style and will always go against what is considered “cool” or “fashionable” in preference of clothes that look nice and fit her well. As her family is very wealthy she is able to afford designer clothes but does not dress in an outrageous way but it is still easy to see her wealth in the way she dresses. She does not wear bright colors chosing instead to wear dark or muted colors.  Her style of dress also has a bit of an edge to it and she is often seen in a leather jacket and boots.