

Name: Julian Henri Ducharme
Nickname(s): None
Gender: Male
School: Grade twelve at Wolverhampton Academy

Julian is 17 years old and in grade 12 at Wolverhampton Academy. For the most part he keeps to himself as he isn't particularly fond of other people. And to be honest, other people aren't often particularly fond of him - depending on who you're talking to anyways. Teachers and adults tend to think he is a very charming young man, yet kids his own age (Charlie & co in particular) find him arrogant and sometimes rude. Julian can be quite touchy on a few subjects (such as his defensive attitude towards his sister Jackie and friend Faye) and is not someone you would want to provoke.

Tall and handsome, Julian has blond hair and blue-grey eyes, standing at a height of 5'11. He is a horse back rider and a swimmer, and this clearly shows through his physique. Julian's studious nature has earned him a reputation has a bit of 'study nut' at a fairly studious school. He likes to read, and spends a lot of time keeping to his room getting work done, and keeping up his mid to high 90's average. And of course, Julian loves art. He tends to draw or paint in his 'down time', but he'd be caught dead before he showed anything in his sketch book to anyone.