

Name: Demetre Evan Hughes
Nickname(s): None
Gender: Male
Birthday: September 23, 1995
School: Grade eleven at Wolverhampton Academy

Demetre was born in Spain. His father is a diplomat and is mother is an ex-ballerina and now a dance teacher. They are always moving around due to his father's occupation. His father is English and his mother is Russian. Demetre has been to Spain, England, France, Russia, Hong Kong, and Canada. He was always moved to a different private school. His father has warped his views on society to the point of making him a little arrogant and convinced he should also be a diplomat when he is older. 

    Demetre is 5'9" and weighs 150lbs. He has a tall slight build with lean muscle. He has blue-green eyes and dark brown hair. His style is more preppy, but he can be casual. He does not like many sports because coordination is not something he is good at. He does enjoy swimming and he is quite good at that. He is fine with doing some physical activity with his friends like going to the park or something.

    Demetre has high marks in all his courses. His best subjects are English, History, and other Languages. He loves reading and writing the occasional story or poem. He is not overly studious, but he tries hard to keep his grades up. 

    Demetre is very capable to strike up a conversation with anyone and has great people skills. He can relate well to others and is normally at ease, except when in the presence of his father. He feels inadequate in his father's eyes, and tries very hard to please him and in the process is sometimes arrogant and cocky. He longs for more freedom and acceptance in his life. Although Demetre does not want to follow exactly in the footsteps of his father, he wants more than anything to make him proud in some way. 

    Demetre is fun to be around. He can be sarcastic and just fun. He is a little uptight, but sometimes spontaneous. He is trying to change to being more loose and getting a backbone to stand up to his father. He is sometimes optimistic, but his perception is different because of his father warping his views.