

Name: Charles Corey Adler
Nickname(s): Charlie, Chuck
Gender: Male
Birthday: February 13, 1995
School: Grade eleven at Wolverhampton Academy

Charles, better known as Charlie, was named after his uncle on his father's side. He comes from a very wealthy family, and uses his money probably more liberally than his parents would like.

Charlie is about 5"7, and is fairly slender, with short curly hair and dark brown eyes. He suffers from asthma and laziness that prevent him from participating in most sports, however he enjoys fencing. Charlie is also a very gifted musician, and it is not uncommon for him to be playing an instrument in his free time. He is smart without really trying, often surprises his teachers with good grades.

Charlie is a very lazy and outgoing boy, making lots of friends quite easily. Teachers and prefects are constantly telling him to settle down, but he rarely does so for very long. He is impulsive and slightly cocky, with a dry, sarcastic sense of humor. He is not a mean-hearted person, but if provoked can sometimes be rude or violent. To him, Wolverhampton is the most interesting place a person can be, and enjoys his time there very much.