

Name: Christine Evelyn Porter
Nickname(s): Chris
Gender: Female
School: Grade eleven at
Aldrige Academy

    Unlike her friends, Chris does not come from an extremely wealthy family. She only began boarding at Aldridge in grade nine, and quickly became friends with Claire and Aeslin. Having spent a lot of time in her mom's restaurant, Chris can cook quite well. She also babysits for a family of three fairly regularly n the weekends.

    Chris has curly brown hair and light brown eyes, and is about 5'6. Running is her passion, and it shows through her good results, though she does not really excel at any other sports.  She has always had a love for photography and film, and to see her without her camera is a rare thing. Chris studies and works very hard in school, and maintains a mid 80's average.

    Never one to be overly outgoing, Chris tends to be shy and quiet, except with her friends, in which case she can be rather rambunctious. She is can be quite self-conscious, but really only shares her insecurities with Claire. She is a very empathetic and kind hearted person, sometimes to a fault.