

Name: Aeslin Elizabeth Grey
Nickname(s): As, Porcupine
Gender: Female
School: Grade eleven at Aldridge Academy

Aeslin is very petite because she was born prematurely. She is about 5’1” and weighs 110 pounds. She has short honey coloured hair that is in a spiky hairstyle. Aeslin has wide-set, almond shaped, hazel eyes and long lashes. She often wears make-up and carries lip-gloss in her purse. She is not comfortable leaving the house without make-up. Aeslin likes brand name cloths, but she will wear pretty much anything, as long as it’s nice and not overly revealing. Aeslin likes wearing shirts that are a bit tighter because of her petite frame.

Aeslin is not overly athletic, but she runs. She is quite a good runner, and a decent swimmer but is inept when it comes to any other athletic activity. She also enjoys reading young adult novels, and dancing like an idiot when no one is watching. She loves watching sappy romance movies and comedies. In terms of the arts, Aeslin is tone deaf  but she’s a pretty good actress. She actually wanted to become a famous actress at one point but thought it was too unrealistic. Aeslin can’t play any instruments nor can she sing, but she loves hearing Charlie play. 

Aeslin is extremely friendly and talkative. When you get her going you may have to shove your fist in her mouth in order to stop her to stop talking.  She loves meeting new people. Some people have a high dislike for her because they believe that she is snooty. She is obsessive about her looks and if you even dare mess up her hair she will harm you. When Aeslin wants to be she is very violent.

Aeslin is a pretty well rounded student whose average is about an 80%. Her worst subject is History, and her best is English. She loves English with a passion but is terrible when is comes to memorization and so history is her downfall.