


Name: Jaqueline Ducharme
Nickname(s): Jackie
Gender: Female
School: Grade nine at Aldridge Academy
Relationships:Younger sister of Julian Ducharme, attends school with the other girls.



Name: Kay Blanche
Nickname(s): None
Gender: Male
School:Grade nine at Wolverhampton Academy
Relationships: Younger brother of Faye Blanche, attends school with the other boys.


Name: Aria Dunne
Gender: Female
Occupation: Vocal teacher
Relationships: Vocal teacher of Faye Blanche and music teacher at Wolverhampton and Aldridge


Name: Jesse Sean Anderson
Gender: Male
School: Toronto Arts School
Relationships: Boyfriend of Claire Fisher, friends with the other characters


Name: Johann Porter
Gender: Female
Occupation: Chef and owner of the restaurant Esprit d'escalier
Relationships: Mother of Christine Porter, wife of David Porter, and employer of Julian Ducharme
Name: David Porter
Gender: Male
Occupation: History teacher at Wolverhampton Academy, head of Social Sciences Department
Relationships: Father of Christine Porter, husband of Johann Porter, teacher of the boys