

Characters I write: Charlie Adler, Julian Ducharme, Christine Porter

I am 16 years young, and in grade 11.
I'm a lover of Harry Potter, Tamora Pierce, Lost, Glee, Veronica Mars and Disney, amongst other things. My friends and family are incredibly important to me, and I love them all very much.
I also enjoy drawing quite a bit, and have done most of the drawings of the characters posted on this site.


Characters I write: Demetre Hughes,Carter Langsley, Claire Fisher

Hey people reading this!!!
I'm Emilia, but usually called Mia. I'm currently 15 years young and in fifth year at Hogwarts. Or grade eleven in regular schools.
I love reading a lot. Any book pretty much. J.K. Rowling is one of my heroes. I'm obsessed with Harry Potter, Disney(not the Disney stars these, classic Disney), music, musicals and anything awesome. I figure skate, play flute, enjoy singing,  enjoy french quite a bit, and am completely obsessed with my friends.
I love to write whenever I have the inspiration.
To end of this what was supposed to be short blurb about myself, I'm kinda crazy, usually smiling, and very optimistic.


Characters I write: Holden Archer Lyons III, Faye Blanche

My name is Alison but if you spent the time reading the title of this paragraph you would already know that. There is nothing blatantly interesting about my life that I feel the need to share, mostly because I don't feel the need to bore the people who I'm sure aren't reading this needlessly.


Characters I write: William and Aeslin Grey

I'm a 15 year old girl with grand and elaborate dreams,
Harry Potter is an important aspect of my life.